Grilled Chicken Thai Sauce Recook Akaripapa

Ingeredients Grilled Chicken Thai Sauce Recook Akaripapa :

Ingridients Grilled Chicken Thai Sauce Recook Akaripapa :

8 pieces of chicken thighs bottom (can be vary according the stock imaginable)

1 sdtgaram
1 spoon black paper (my rough mashed in plastic)
thai sauce:
2 cloves garlic (coarsely chopped)
2 spoons of the sauce
4 spoons of tomato sauce
1 packet of flavor enhancer
1 spoonful of Sesame

How to make   Grilled Chicken Thai Sauce Recook Akaripapa:

Chicken rub-me in clean wash with salt and black pepper. Let stand 30 minutes to allow the herbs to infuse

Arrange the chicken pieces in a baking dish-me-in sockets of the aluminum foil and spread it with  margarine.

Bake temperature for  40 minutes 180 degrees 20 minutes early to open the oveninvert the chicken.

While looking forward to chicken mateng prepare tomato sauce. Put all the seasoningsauce and then reheat in a pan until sugar sticky anti palmnya liquid. Turn off the heat.

Chicken grilled in aduk2-me-align with saosnya. The chicken is ready to be served.Better served when hot

Serve with hot rice and stew the vegetables to make it more complete
Tag : Thai Recipe
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