Recipe Roti Canai Cheese

Recipe How To Make Roti Canai Cheese

Before making a roti canai milo cheese it's good you learn the recipe well so that the results obtained are more optimally. Lets, try making it at home ...!


500 grams plain flour high protein
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
150 grams margarine
50 ml oil
150 ml fresh milk
35 grams unsalted butter for brand content
50 ml oil for the brand

Material Content:

milo milk powder 50 g
100 g grated cheddar cheese
How to make roti canai milo cheese:

Mix the flour, salt, eggs, margarine, oil, and fresh milk. Knead until kalis.
Weigh 100 grams of dough. To be rounded. Let stand 1 hour.
The widening of the dough on the table already dioles oil until thin. Place the doughon top of the large pan. Sprinkle milo and cheddar cheese in the Center.
Fold the dough shape box size 20 × 10. Behind the batter. Leave it until it is cooked.
to 9 fruits
Recipe how to cook Roti Canai Cheese may be able to help you in the search for the source of culinary references. Pastiinya tasty this recipe will be made when youmemcurahkan with all your abilities. If already assured against the prescription of this one, there is no harm if you make it.
Want to try Recipe  Roti Canai Cheese ?
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